Here's the left hand side of the piece I made last Wednesday at KC Willis' Basic Collage Camp. (The link takes you to her studio which lists where she's giving workshops at home and on the road. You can also purchase her DVDs...) I know it's a lousy picture but its the best I could take. Apparently its blinginess confused my camera....

So a trip to Urban Barn would be impossible without wandering through the displays. Unfortunately, my camera battery died before I could take any pictures, so you'll just have to view my purchases instead.

I just could not resist this birdcage. I have no idea what to do with it. The display had a book in it, so perhaps I could display artwork of the moment in it. It was originally a different color, by the looks of it. But its just so cute.

Tiny wee salt and pepper shakers -- perfect for storing my fine glitter....

Some closeups of the birdcage:

It looks like a Chinese lion, doesn't it?


  1. Your collage looks so pretty - I love the colors. Don't you just love the Urban Barn?



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