Gorgeous Blog Discovery....

I must be last to the party as she has over 2,000 followers (and that's why she's hosting this amazing giveaway), but Miss Mustard Seed has the most gorgeous blog.

It wasn't the giveaway that sold me, nor the pretty feedsack pillows, nor the cute distressed frame. Oh no, although all those things are very lovely and beautiful and enough on their own to get me to followa blog (I use Google Reader, not Blogger's Friend following thing)....

It was the fantastic place setting post that did it. I mean, I haven't thrown out my china (or my grandmother's or my husband's grandmother's) and still like to add little odds and ends to it: like dessert forks with bone handles, etc., sort of like the knives Miss Mustard Seed is giving away.

Go check out her giveaway and her blog. You won't be sorry! (or you'll be very very sorry in an "I've just been enabled" way, but that's still a good sorry, not a bad one.)


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