A little something

Here's a peek at what I made for Miss Lynn for her birthday. It was a little late. I took a cigar box and collaged it and made a lining out of (I think) peach polyester velvet (based on one of the individual workshops Mary Green sold back at the start of the year) ... Then I had to figure out a way to close the box because I wasn't that hot on my measuring (and eyeballing) and it wouldn't close!


  1. ooo you had me at peach velvet!
    Your cigar box is lovely ... had to giggle just a little as I am not much of a measurer either ... every now and then that can present challenges ... your results are gorgeous!

    I have a thing for cigar boxes in fact I've just been playing with some myself.

    Thank you for visiting my Magpie's Nest ... fun way to find you and your bbb :)

  2. hello leanne!


    you are a dear.

    happy day!

  3. Your box is so beautiful!!! Who cares if it doesn't close perfectly ~ that's what I seem to be drawn to "imperfection"! Thank you for visiting me!!! hugs and love, Dawn


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