You know When You Get an Impulse to Do Something?

Something like Suzy Blu's new class?

And you say to yourself: Self, you have a book to create for your nephew; you have a Madonna fabric wall-hanging to put together from last year's Silver Bella swap; you have a small fabric book to finish; and a glorious purple satin/velvet/organza fabric book to create. You have more projects waiting than you can shake a stick at...

Sorry -- I've just watched Suzy's video and I think her manner of speaking is a bit on the infectious side. (This happens to me sometimes: after I've read Miles Vorkosigan novel (written by Lois McMaster Bujold -- fantastic series!) I get a little manic. Suzy's infectious joy is just plain contagious :) ) <- Ending the parentheses not showing off a double chin....

Anywho, I am thinking of taking her class because a) I can't draw faces worth a #$#^ and b) I didn't do art in High School (well, I sorta kinda did, sorta, but that's a story for another day) and I missed all the cool stuff she's offering. Although I can sculpt a mean lizard....

Yes, it's mermaids, but the whole idea of layering a painting like you're looking into the watery deeps? Just love that. And I've no objection to mermaids, really ... but I can apply her techniques to other stuff and isn't that the whole point of Suzy's classes?

So, I am being wise and I'm gonna sleep on it. Never mind that Suzy's Le Petit Academy has been sitting in my Firefox tabs for over a week, waiting for this announcement. Still gonna sleep on it, because its a whole semester, people, and that takes some commitment beyond the bucks -- I mean, ya got to take full advantage of the course before it goes away, right?

Stay tuned....


  1. Your blog is beautiful. I love it! Funny readings too.

  2. I was thinking about it too. I can make anything but I cant draw or paint. I think she said she was doing classes in the San Diego area when we talked to her at the Creschendoh party. Not sue where though...


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