Albums and Bloomers....

Hey, I know my blog has this new focus of being beloved by God, but I'm feeling a little retro today. So we'll be taking a step into the vintage/creative/mori girl world today.

I'm taking the Full Tilt Boogie class and have been doing practice signatures before starting "for real".  Here are the albums I got a super deal on Ebay. Can you guess which one I will find impossible to cut up?

inside of bottom album

inside top left album
inside of top left album
inside of top right album
inside top right album
So, were you able to guess which one I don't think I'll be able to cut up? Let me know in the comments...

Also, I have had this pinned to my Pinterest for quite a while....

... and made the first one today (forgive horrible iPhone photos, the light was going. The lace is hand sewn onto men's white boxers.

Lessons learned: pin vertical, not horizontal. Because I didn't I am left with "slits" on the side...

My plan is to wear these under skirts this summer. I have two more boxer shorts to convert. I'll see if I have enough lace of the same kind, and then I shall have to get inventive....


  1. Hi Leanne
    Oh - you have got some awesome albums for the FTB journals. Wish I was able to find some over here. I´m using old book covers as a lack of same. They are SO expensive on Ebay on the shipping so...
    My gueass is you won´t cut the red one, but I do love the blue one too.

  2. I would say you won't be able to cut up the top left album. But what do I know? I'll be interested to see what you do with these.


  3. great album finds for FTB!!! cute bloomers and the next ones will be that much better! great job and Keep creating!

  4. O my god, grin, you really are making bloomers... I wondered what they are since I live in Europe. Gorgeous books. Cut them all up! That's what you got them for!

    1. Uhh, yup. When you have thighs and it's summer, they are very practical things. May as well be pretty too! They're getting a trial run today. Is there a sweeter name for them in Europe? Pettipants, maybe?

  5. Dear FTB classmate - Can't believe you scored those fabulous albums, aren't you a lucky girl!! I have collected several and so far, haven't been able to cut any of them up so I understand where you're at. Love the cover page of that top right album, I'd be photocopying that image and using it 100 times! And I love the bloomers, great idea to add lace to boxer shorts!

    1. Cynthia -- and for about $20 (that includes the shipping)!!! I'm definitely going to be scanning the images from the cover pages and the photo blocks of the top left one.


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