Joy Dare Monday

412. happy exhaustion from Bollywood workout (even if I didn't get close to finishing it)
413. learning more than 1,000 Moms were thanked
414. bloomers!

415. lunch with a friend
416. soft baby hair
417. laughter in the office
418. God's clue by four, just in time
419. enough, with God
420. Sloan River Project
421. holding baby
422. using "Free Candle" app during choir practice. A"Pentecost"al moment. (it was the choir's anthem for Pentecost, geddit?)
423. baby ducks at the elephant exhibit
424. remembering how lucky I am
425. easiest printer set-up. Ever.
426. pretty flower arrangement
427. broken bowl :(
428. nap
429. retrieval of lost pie and card
430. watching "The Choir", season 4, Military Wives Choir. Inspiring.

Am linking this up to Ann Voskamp's "multitudes on Mondays" (or will as soon as it goes up!)


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