Joy Dare Monday: yay for May!

Oi. What a week. Beautiful moments, some hard stuff, and beauty brought in to center me and calm me. I am enjoying taking photos of my garden, but am finding that the iPhone 3GS that I have is really not up to snuff for such things. But it does give a kinda watercolor effect.

Poppies, mexican salvia in the front

corner of raised bed vege garden in our front yard, watsonia flowering and why yes that is a ton of weedy grass
371. dew on Iceland poppies
372. marine layer
373. aching body, slow, rough, bitter start to the day
374. may day cup

375. holding baby
376. beautiful old vintage albums (photos tomorrow)
377. time to pray
378. calming waterfall in a business park
379. a bee tasting strawberry flowers
380. "only wanted to help" [3 gifts with difficult people]
381. laughing until I cried with my choir buddy over things scatological 
382. muffins long hidden in the freezer still taste good [3 gifts before 9am]
383. 2 difficult emails sent [3 gifts before 9am]
384. dancing young green maple leaves
385. taking the afternoon off
386. full moon rising.
387. "do this for the remembrance of me" 
388. pretty moon, so white
389. churros
390. crow convention
391. He cannot make us love Him [3 gifts found in Christ]
392. art with heart heals (summary of online chat with Suzi blu)

Am linking this up to Ann Voskamp's "multitudes on Mondays" (or will as soon as it goes up!)


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