The Way to Enough (The 1000 Moms Project)

I chatted with my Mum last night on the phone. And I learned something new about my Mum:

"I have enough."

"I have a roof over my head."

"I cannot afford to go and buy $100 shoes any more, but I have shoes on my feet."

She reminded me that what is fair and right isn't necessarily a 50/50 split -- and I realized part-way through the conversation last night that that was my "good girl" coming forward.

My Mum isn't rich. She has just enough money to pay the bills, and have enough food on the table.

She serves.

She is taken care of. Not just because her kids would ensure it, but because love is the center of her life. And, (she didn't say this so I'm extrapolating) God has shown her that she has enough. Because she has Him. Love.

She is showing me the way to enough.

Thanks, Mum.

[This is part of the 1000 Moms Project. I don't think multiple posts would technically count toward the 1000 Mums, but I hope this encourages you to go to Ann's site and find out how your Facebook status, tweet or blog post can count toward making a difference for mothers in Haiti.]

1000 Moms Project


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