Joy Dare Monday ... dare to be joyful...
If you are here for the Where Bloggers Create party, it's the next post down. If you want to see what caught my eye this year (and in past years), I have a Pinterest board dedicated to such. I seem to really like repurposed things.
585. yellow blossom rainfall
586. writing a difficult post with as much grace as I could muster
587. overhead fans
588. (mostly) following schedule
589. squawking of mockingbird
590. spilling white vinegar and detergent solution on kitchen counter
591. spilled hot French onion soup all over my hand - flung bowl and broke it
592. first tomato of summer
593. floppy dog ears
594. mushroom sauce pasta (I love pasta but don't like mushrooms, he loves mushrooms but doesn't like pasta)
595. learning how to use the self timer on the camera
596. catching dog licking grease off my breakfast plate
597. cloudy day
598. orangutang swinging from a sling he'd made
599. 19-14 day old flamingo
600. sleeping in
601. meeting a senior citizen who was trying out Tai Chi -- and who enjoyed her first Zumba class!
602. a little girl standing up to talk at her mum's funeral
603. "Lord, you know my rising ..." (Psalm 139)
604. lazy afternoon looking through the Where Bloggers Create party
605. the key changes going up and up for Amazing Grace
606. red flowers
Am linking this up to Ann Voskamp's "multitudes on Mondays" (or will as soon as it goes up!)
585. yellow blossom rainfall
586. writing a difficult post with as much grace as I could muster
587. overhead fans
588. (mostly) following schedule
589. squawking of mockingbird
590. spilling white vinegar and detergent solution on kitchen counter
591. spilled hot French onion soup all over my hand - flung bowl and broke it
592. first tomato of summer
593. floppy dog ears
594. mushroom sauce pasta (I love pasta but don't like mushrooms, he loves mushrooms but doesn't like pasta)
595. learning how to use the self timer on the camera
596. catching dog licking grease off my breakfast plate
597. cloudy day
598. orangutang swinging from a sling he'd made
599. 19-14 day old flamingo
600. sleeping in
601. meeting a senior citizen who was trying out Tai Chi -- and who enjoyed her first Zumba class!
602. a little girl standing up to talk at her mum's funeral
603. "Lord, you know my rising ..." (Psalm 139)
604. lazy afternoon looking through the Where Bloggers Create party
605. the key changes going up and up for Amazing Grace
606. red flowers
#585 words and photo are lovely… what a thought, flowers, raindrops, like blessings on our heads… just lovely.