Where Bloggers Create: for real

This is the third time I've participated in the Where Bloggers Create party and I know I will be wasting a lot of time surfing the list and looking at people's creative spaces. This year will be the first time I'll be using Pinterest to save the photos that inspire, and if I can figure out how to link to that, I'll do so at the bottom of this post, as well as post it separately.

As my room hasn't changed much, I thought I would share what it really looks like week to week, between cleanups.

If you want to see it all pretty, you can look at last year's offering. If you want to see a space that's looks like it looks like until I can't find something, read (or look) on!

the work table: not just an insane number of Glimmer Mists, but sundry templates, stamps, 
inks, washi tapes, bits and pieces of paper. This desk holds a lot!

paper stuffed into the bookshelves at left, paper and fabric on the floor from when I 
put together the Full Tilt Boogie journal (see next image -- and Mary Ann Moss
has a summer sale going on the class!)
innit pretty? My first Full Tilt Boogie journal...
 Okay, back to what my art room really looks like:

pile of stuff on chair because I had to tidy up the guest bathroom where I wash 
brushes, pen nibs, rollers, stamps, etc... And as there's no room on my table...

the floor isn't so bad: my purple & black travel art kit that hasn't been put away yet, 
piles of magazines, book blocks, instructions, printed images, boxes that haven't been 
altered or found a home yet. At the back you can see two shipping boxes: one holds a
project, the other holds scrapbook paper I've been meaning to get rid of (but turns out 
useful for practice book-making)

the floor to the left of the image above: a purple canister out of place, a wicker basket 
full of journaling odds and ends, magazines, and buried under that is my Full Tilt Boogie
 journal, you can just see it peeking out from under the basket on the left
And that concludes my tour of my art space. Lately, I've been art journaling like mad and having huge fun doing it.

Don't forget  to look at the pretty from last year.

Does your art space get this "real"?


  1. Thanks for sharing your cozy space. I love love love pinterest!! Susan

  2. Journaling is a lot of fun! I'm happy to hear you are enjoying it. Thanks for the "Real" studio tour.

    It's been fun visiting everyone and gaining inspiration.

    Ciao Bella
    Creative Carmelina

  3. Just love the fact I'm not, the only one ! I only took pictures of the clean spots! Good for you ! When it's to clean you have to ask if the really use their space!

  4. Leanne...
    Okay darlin'...I'd just BARELY scraped the surface of all these beautifully manicured spaces and hopped back to check out comments on my blog...there YOU were...so here I am! Gotta say it sweetie, I'm howlin' so hard I'm hangin' onto my chair to keep from fallin' off the dang thing! I LOVE how you just let the "whirlwind" rise to the forefront...your work table...GAWD!!! Could it get any better??? And this is comin' from an anal rententive!!! Don't ya just LOVE Glimmer Mist?!!??!! I have a cabinet full, but my battery died before I could snap a photo of it. ROFLOL I have to say I checked out your "clean" room and this year's entry is sooo much more interesting darlin'! Shows me a lot more of YOU...what you're really all about...and I thank you for that. Can't believe you took Full Tilt Boogie! I've been thinkin' about signin' up for it-just haven't gotten 'round to it yet-should I?? Well, it's a tad after 5 a.m. and there's sooo many more rooms to check out so I'm signin' off sweetie!

    just me...sending BIG snaps from down Texas way...jan

  5. Jan, I hope you drop by again, 'cause you didn't leave me an email to reply to. Must be 'cause you were goin' at 5am!

    I really recommend Full Tilt Boogie ... you get access to the videos forever (I've only done the first week and it's a three week class) ... you'll love her sense of humor, and, last week at least, she was running a sale.

    Believe me, I ummed and ached and then finally signed up after seeing somebody's beautiful work. And I'm having so much fun filling the journal with stuff!

    I got up to the Sh rooms last night before I quit and if I'm lucky I can get a couple more in before church...

    have a fab day!

  6. You have lots of wonderful crafting supplies! I'm jealous. :)

  7. Ha! Thanks for keeping it real... sad to say I am far too OCD to not clean up after each art session. I am sick. I know.

    But I do love your space. :)

  8. Oh, YES ~ my space looks this 'real" frequently!!! Love that you showed us the "as is" ~ it is ALL good!!!

    Thanks for visiting my 'Nest ~

  9. LOL!! I love it! Thanks for keeping it real - everytime I create it gets like that! Hey I KNOW where everything is! I cleaned up nice for the blog hop though because things were way out of hand! LOL!You should see this "before" video I made! LOL!http://letsembellish.blogspot.com/2012/06/manic-mondays-operation-clean-up.html

  10. I love seeing an artist space where work is in progress, love your art journal. Thank you for sharing.

  11. For real is the best! Love your blog - will become a follower..... I love that you incorporate your life.... because that is where our art and craft comes from....

    Thanks for sharing (I love Pinterest too!)

    Take care and many blessings,

  12. Real is good!!!! Sometimes seeing the actually messiness of studios is more fun!!! Thank you so much for sharing your reality!!!!

  13. thank you for showing the real studio !I think that should be the them for next year for where bloggers create ... thanks pat beglin come visit


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