Joy Dare Monday

This week's gifts from God, as spotted by me. Which is not necessarily all the God-given gifts, because I should give thanks daily for my privileged place in this world (food, water, shelter, etc) but those that I spotted during the past week.

607. smooth ocean

608. finding out that vintage album I looked at two months ago still hadn't sold
609. "you are beautiful" sidewalk message

610. not an outdoor dog

611. transported by the gifts in "inner excavation"
612. spots of rain
613. unexpected conversation
614. cool evening breeze
615. learning descant to a piece my husband wrote [3 gifts musical]
616. tuberose blooming

617. sea salt caramel gelato
618. Facebook status: "heartbreak, heartbreak. If anything this time is giving me, is the cracking open, the breaking of my heart with testimony like this..." 
619. black furry caterpillar
620. two quarters
621. found fabric
622. a/c
623. a husband who will deal with serving the mess that is pad thai. (yummy, but oh so difficult to serve!)
624. bright green beetle flying
625. talking about collaborating on a creative project with Helena
626. ink-stained fingers

627. singing a duet with Clare
628. catching up with a friend overseas via Facebook chat
629. family dinner

Am linking this up to Ann Voskamp's "multitudes on Mondays" (or will as soon as it goes up!)


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