Joy Dare Monday: a week (almost) on retreat

I had planned to write in more detail about this past week, especially the bee incident, but that's going to have to wait until later in the week.

Here are the past week's gifts from God. The first six were written as part of a challenge in the group study of Emily Freeman's "grace for the good girl":

630. clean water
631. functioning appliances
632. a spare jeans patch
633. a patch that didn't take
634. food
635. discernment time

636. birds skimming over undulating grey ocean
637. sitting on the wrong side of the  train and not being able to see the ocean
638. writing
639. orange rocks

640. heart-shaped willow

641. chirping of baby swallows. Mama seemed to disappear right into the trunk.

642. woodpecker diving and swooping up
643. hummingbird hovering right in front of me
644. 10 maybe 11 bird species counted today
645. "The Big Year movie from last night giving awareness of so many different birds!
646. sunset on Santa Barbara hills (and choosing to sit there for an hour instead of inside)
647. writing lyrics to music Dan wrote
648. inexhaustible children
649. bee sting (this isn't the bee story)
650. being distracted from focusing on Jesus
651. light in the valley changing as the sun set
652. hills shrouded by low cloud: wondering if the mountaintops see it as fog shrouding the coast?
653. discussion with Br. Tom
654. being eyeballed by a bee (this is the bee story)

yes, this is the reason I got eyeballed by a bee
655. "I am with you."
656. being nice to a Kiwi and vice versa
657. parable of the sower sharing
658. bonding with Maria
659. arrival of friend and my hubby
660. "Yes, H----, that exit is closed."
661. watching the world darken after sunset, being reminded of childhood camping trips
662. slept through 6am Angelus bells for the first time
663. writing a song with Dan
664. sequoia forest at Santa Barbara Botanic Gardens

665. incense smoking dancing in the chapel
666. baby woodpecker head
667. satellite flash
668. dedicating Compline prayer to 2 mountaineers who died in the Peruvian Andes
669. empty woodpecker nest
670. tired legs
671. smooth train ride home

Am linking this up to Ann Voskamp's "multitudes on Mondays" (or will as soon as it goes up!)


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