Joy Dare Monday: in which I nearly forget...

I almost forgot to post today! Yipes. I should be starting dinner, so this'll  be quick in the list department.

Oh, but I have to tell you -- I made marmalade this week, with oranges from the tree in our backyard (plus a couple of clementines and lemons).

OK, now onto the list of the ways God has gifted me last week:

154. passionfruit vine still. has. passionfruit. on it.
155. extra grocery store trip -- lovely breeze
156. citrus juice in paper cut
157. birdsong
158. sticky jam
159. sweating at yoga
160. garlic burps
161. salted caramel frappe - preparing for a 79degF day

162. eating outside (in the shade) on this beautiful day
163. singing the end of "Ave verum corpus" over and over and...
164. iPhone update ate most of my apps (it's okay, I got them back)
165. lily of the valley blooming

166. blissful moment of shadow on a hot day
167. smell of five-spice pork belly
168. pork belly
169. Archbishop of Burundi at our church
170. running late for interview

Joining in Ann Voskamp's:


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