Joy Dare Monday ...

Busy day today so haven't had a chance until now to write this blog post. So it's short today!

171. sleep in
172. fresh air
173. good news from the monks
174. where I format the wrong hard drive
175. walking through dewy wet grass in the early morning
176. a skittish Alsatian pup that let itself be herded back into its backyard
177. receiving love, giving love
178. warmth of Reiki
179. whacking long grass
180. big flag

181. eucalypt trunks glowing in the dark
182. dog foraging for crumbs on hubby
183. smell of rain / English weather morning
184. profile of dog sitting in my lap
185. the orange glow in a window across the street.

186. weeding before it rains again (so much easier to do after the rain)
187.  journaling
188. laying paint down (getting back to art journaling)
189. first rose of the year

it's a bit squashed looking -- but can you spot the drops of dew?
190. chanting at start of service

Joining in Ann Voskamp's:


  1. I joy dare every Monday in Ann's Community. Today you posted right before me so I thought I'd visit my neighbor. Your blog is beautiful and your gratitude list so real. It was good stopping by. Thank God for you.


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