Joy Dare Monday: slipping and getting back up

Last week, I watched Ann Voskamp's video series based on her book to prepare to lead the adult Christian education group at my church, starting the Sunday after Easter.

In the session we won't watch together until the fall (because I only have three Sundays in April and will have to wait until then to finish it), Ann reminds me why it has been so hard for me to write down gifts lately.

Because my soul-eyes are closed when I'm caught up in having something productive to show for my day, especially in job hunting, that I forget to look and see the gifts of that moment. I am letting the days blur by.

The gift of God in having a roof over my head, sustenance both physical and spiritual, in my husband, in the silly companionship of dogs, in the quiet conversation with a neighbor.

I need to remember to give thanks in every moment, in every breath. Even when I don't feel like it.

The gifts for the past week:

213. blissed out and sleepy after yoga
214. tons of wisteria blooms

215. realizing non-violence has to start with me
216. computer keeps rebooting on its own
217. conversation
218. marine layer seeping onto Library Walk
219. tiny bubble on new screen cover
220. a moment of jealousy
221. tiny poppy seeds
222. quiet conversation with neighbor
223. Ann reminding me to see
224. dog scrounging under my computer desk
225. scab fell off
226. nap
227. phone conversation
228. pale orange sunrise
229. thick morning fog (it was clear half an hour ago!)
230. seeing a choir member return to church after a fall.
231. tingles while singing "And Every Stone Shall Cry"
232. getting rack of lamb recipe right. finally.

I decided in the middle of yesterday's Palm Sunday service to art journal Holy Week. So I made the journal yesterday. My goal is to post pictures of the journal pretty soon after the day described here on my blog, but we'll see how that goes as I had to leave the glue to dry before adding more wet media to the pages, so am already behind with Palm Sunday. Also, these are going to be quick and dirty art journal pages, not fine art 'cause usually it takes me a week or two to make a "fine art" art journal page.

Bonus cute pic: dogs lying together (from a couple of weeks ago. Did this make it onto my list? No... I saw God's gift (as these two rarely lie this close together), but I didn't record!)

Joining in Ann Voskamp's:


  1. Leanne,

    I can definitely relate. It is hard to stop and listen for God when we are busy.

    "my soul-eyes are closed when I'm caught up in having something productive to show for my day"

    So true!

    I am new to the whole "list" thing. This is my first real attempt. So far it is proving to be a helpful discipline to faithfully record God's gifts.

    God bless,

  2. I am visting from Ann's today and the Multitudes... love your list - and the realization of soul eyes not wide open! I just wrapped up a session going through those DVDs and absolutely LOVED it! Praying about offering it again in the evenings and seeing if we can get some couples to come together! And WOW - LOVE the wisteria!

  3. It is so very hard to give the hard thanks. I experienced this last week into going to a baby's funeral. I truly think richer eternal gold comes out of it though, like the golden bowls of incense... Which are the prayers of the saints and the only thing down here we take up there.


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